Travelers Talks: How To Become A Traveler?

Are you thinking about traveling the world but don’t know where to start? Or maybe traveling is the thing that you always wanted to do but no one thought you how to do it properly, especially the first steps? Don’t worry, we’ve been travel newbies too and a lot of others as well and we are all here to help you! In this Travelers Talks episode you’ll find stories about how other travelers started their journeys, how they evolved and travel now, and what’s most important – what advice they have for you! We will give you plenty of tips to help you prepare and make those first steps easier. Ready? Let’s dive in and discover dozens of fantastic pieces of advice on how to become a traveler. 

How To Become A Traveler? Travelers Talks Episode 4
Happy Little Traveler Authors

Created by Sonia & Wojtek

One day, we packed our lives and slowly rushed into the unknown with smiles on our faces. We’re full-time digital nomads traveling in Europe who inspire to live, travel, and discover differently. Sunny coastal destinations are what we love most. We share travel guides, tips, and know-how to make planning your next trip a piece of cake. Real human experience and verified facts only!

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How to become a traveler? Advice from travelers

Some time ago on Twitter, we asked our fellow travelers for advice, and here it’s what we got in return.

Kate from Oh, Nomad| Travelers Talks

Kate from Oh, Nomad 

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Write a few words about yourself and what you do

Hi, I’m Kate – an Australian teacher in her late 30s who has been traveling on and off for the last 15 years – but made the leap to being a full-time digital nomad three years ago. I now teach remotely at a university, run two blog-based businesses, and am currently house-sitting in beautiful New Zealand (Aotearoa).

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I consider myself a slowmad (slow nomad), traveling slowly through each country or continent over a year or more. Slow travel has many benefits: 

  • Better for the environment – fewer flights, buses, car journeys, etc;
  • Better for your wallet – long-term accommodation discounts, time to build local relationships and gain local knowledge, volunteer and cultural opportunities;
  • Better for you – time to relax; enjoy the journey and learn about your location.

How did your traveling start? 

Like many people, I started traveling after a transition period in my life. In my case, it was my first major relationship breakup in my early 20s. I’d left our shared apartment with very few possessions and no clear sense of what to do next, so I put what I owned into storage and took a train as far as I could go in my home city. That night, I stayed at the local youth hostel and met some German backpackers who invited me to tag along for a few weeks. 18 months and 35,000km later, I had traveled the entire coastline of Australia, sold everything in my storage unit, and was ready to take on the world. 

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Start where you are

When many people think about traveling, they imagine dramatic scenes of people selling everything they own and taking a flight to a far-flung destination to start a new life. Depending on your personality, you might need to make such an intense break to start. If so, then go for it! But, for me, I started locally and pushed myself further and further out of my comfort zone at my own pace. I didn’t have a lot of money to start and little experience, but I gained it slowly over my first few trips. As a shy person, speaking in my native language made talking to strangers for the first time easier. Being a ‘local’ means that you can help fellow travelers and I now love being a knowledgeable ambassador for my home country when abroad. Consider starting in your own backyard.

  • Have a plan

You might be a spontaneous person who enjoys not having a plan. If so, that’s great. For me, in order to travel long-term and on a budget, I need to have a flexible plan for where and when I’m going. That way, I can save money by booking ahead and planning travel in the off-season, when prices are lower and there are fewer crowds. But, set a clear timeframe or date for your plan… then go. Sometimes it is easier to plan than to actually take the leap, so make sure that you’re not planning for travel that you never end up doing. Travel procrastination is real.

  • Just travel 

The best way to become a traveler is to travel: I’m sure that I won’t be the only one here to give you this advice, but that’s because it is the most important. If you want to travel, do it. Listen to your heart and go out there. It might just be for a weekend at first, to a city a few hours away, or to an exotic location where you don’t speak the language. Either way, just jump in and start traveling. See you on the road!

Iain and Brioni from Red Seas

Iain and Brioni from Red Seas

Website | YouTube | Facebook 

Write a few words about yourself and what you do

We are Iain and Brioni, a Scottish couple who sold everything we owned to buy a sailboat and travel full-time. We have been sailing nonstop for 2.5 years and have explored all the islands in the Caribbean Sea and now we’re about to cross the Pacific Ocean.

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

When the world went into lockdown, we were looking for a way to travel more but we didn’t want to be living out of a suitcase or adding hundreds of thousands of air miles to our carbon footprint. A sailboat seemed to be the answer and now we sail to a new country every few months, taking our home with us wherever we go! We have visited 20 countries over the last two years, spending longer in places that we love and moving on quickly if a place isn’t as we expected. We get to travel the world at a walking pace, with all the flexibility of making our own plans as we go and without the hassle of booking plane tickets or finding accommodation. 

How did your traveling start? 

A few years ago, we decided to sell all of our possessions and go and buy a boat. Unfortunately, the world went into lockdown and we spent 4 months living in our flat with no furniture, wondering if we had made a huge mistake! As soon as we were able, we booked one way plane tickets to the Caribbean and our adventure kicked off with a bang. We hitchhiked on sailboats to lots of different countries until we bought our boat, SV Indioko, and since then we’ve been traveling thousands of miles whilst renovating the boat into a home.

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Set goals and create a plan to reach them

Although we set off on our adventure 3 years ago, we spent two years before that planning and preparing for this huge lifestyle change. We had a lot of things to accomplish before we could set off traveling full time but we kept our eyes on the prize with realistic goals and reminders of why we were working so hard – for us, it was all about the boat. Set yourself some key targets and break down the steps to get there….it’s all about making things achievable.

  • Find a community 

If you haven’t been traveling before, find a community of people who know more than you do. Find Facebook groups, ask friends and family, watch YouTube videos about the part of the world you want to visit, or the method of travel you are interested in. There is so much information out there – you can be really prepared before you’ve even taken a step outside your door. Use your time wisely before you set off and find out as much as you can about what to expect so you’re not overwhelmed once you find yourself out there.

  • Don’t get overwhelmed 

Switching from a 9-5 job and a stable routine at home to full-time travel and nomadic living is a big deal. Be kind to yourself. Try to recognize when you need a little more support and when you need to just get going. More people regret the things they didn’t do than the things they did, so just get on out there and discover your adventure. You might not feel ready, but you’ll figure it out along the way. That’s part of the fun!

Paul from Paul Passing Through | Travelers Talks

Paul from Paul Passing Through

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Write a few words about yourself and what you do

I’m a physical therapist by trade with a passion for writing and learning about the world. I’ve been a travel blogger over the past two years with an ever-growing presence online via my website and several social media accounts.

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

This is a difficult question to answer because I don’t like to typecast traveling into different categories. Everyone talks about whether they’re a slow traveler, a fast traveler, a digital nomad, a luxury traveler, etc., but at the end of the day, I think traveling can be whatever you want it to be. More importantly, the type of travel can and does change depending on where you’re at in your life and even what your destination is.

With that said, my typical travels include a combination of museums, cultural experiences (like seeing traditional music or theater), enjoying local food and drinks, and getting into the destination’s natural areas. I enjoy that combination because it gives me the more formal learning experiences offered by museums (which I have always preferred as a bit of an introvert and bibliophile) while still being exposed to more tactile, visceral opportunities.

Also, I don’t purposely try to save money, but at the same time, I don’t let money be a barrier, if possible. That’s not to say I go out of my way to break the bank. I prefer the “I can’t take money to the grave” adage. In other words, I don’t know if I’ll ever get the chance to do A, B, or C again, so I’m going to do it while I can.

Similarly, I don’t consider myself a slow or fast traveler. I travel based on what I’m able to do and what the destination needs to appreciate it. I don’t go just to tick boxes off, but I also don’t spend a ton of time at a destination (generally two days for smaller towns and a few for bigger cities). I have found that to be a pretty good balance so far. Sure, I’d like to spend as much time as I can in a destination if that were possible, but given where I’m at in my life, it simply isn’t realistic.

How did your traveling start? 

My lust for traveling started well before my actual travels. From a young age, I always loved learning about history and different cultures. I spent a lot of time watching the Travel Channel and History Channel while growing up (back when those channels actually showed travel and history). However, I didn’t really start traveling till I was in my early 30s. Before that, I went on lots of trips but never something I would qualify as traveling.

I always had excuses to not travel. It was too expensive. I didn’t have enough time. I didn’t have anyone to go with. All those typical reasons and more. I finally started *traveling* with a trip to England and France with my wife shortly before the COVID-19 pandemic. We saved up money and PTO at work. I planned everything down to the smallest details. It was a great success, but more than anything, it was eye-opening how easy it was to do once I actually made the commitment. 

I also started to realize that traveling didn’t need to be this expensive thing. There were ways to save money out there as long as I did my research ahead of time. Further, even while sightseeing, eating and drinking our way across destinations, we tended to spend less money than I anticipated. Once I took the dive, I was hooked.

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Don’t make excuses to not travel

Once you actually start, it’s easier than you realize, and you won’t regret it. No matter your circumstances, there’s almost always still a way you can make travel happen.

  • Don’t be afraid to spend money

This is kind of similar to my first piece of advice, but don’t be afraid to spend money (as long as your finances are reasonably secure – don’t come back to me saying I caused you to go bankrupt!). At the risk of sounding morbid, you never know what tomorrow will bring. Money won’t serve you well in the grave.

  • Travel the way you want to travel

You do you. Don’t travel just to check off boxes. Don’t travel based on what you think others are doing or what you think is expected of you. Do whatever makes you happy. If you like taking photos, do it! Forget the people who say you need to live in the moment. If you can only spend a day in Rome – that’s fine! Ignore the people telling you that you need X number of days to *really* appreciate it.

Andrea from Andrea Hunt Coaching | Travelers Talks

Andrea from Andrea Hunt Coaching 

Website | Instagram | Facebook 

Write a few words about yourself and what you do

I’ve been a traveler and expat nomad for the last 25 years and lived in the US, Mexico, China, Germany, Italy, and Argentina and traveled to around 40 countries. Today, I’m a transformational coach and EFT tapping practitioner for expats and digital nomads because I understand the unique challenges this lifestyle brings. I’m based in Munich Germany but travel off and on all year long. 

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I would consider myself an expat nomad. I have had periods in my life where I was a full nomad living out of a backpack but these days I love having a home base so I can nurture my personal and social relationships a bit more. I have lived on four continents so I like creating a home base and using it as a way to see the rest of the continent because I’ve learned that in general, I usually like my trips to be around 2 weeks at a time except in the winter when I’ve been hanging out in Andalusia for December – February. It’s fantastic because I still feel like I have a home, it’s just someplace warmer. I can still use Sevilla as a base to see other cities in Spain on the weekends and I’ve found the last few years this really works for me best.

How did your traveling start? 

I’ve been traveling since I was a kid with my parents. Since my grandma was from Mexico we would go in the summertime to visit her family. When I was 18 I went with some high school friends to Europe and made the mistake of breezing through 11 countries in one month with our Eurail pass seeing everything and yet nothing. When I got back, I decided then and there I was going to find a way to go back for longer so I made a plan to go live in Mexico, China, and London, England. I moved alone to Mexico at 20 years old back in 1996 and it was the scariest and best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I was terrified, I didn’t know anyone in San Miguel de Allende, but it taught me that I could go off into the world all by myself and that I didn’t need to wait for anyone to come with me. And I never looked back. While I enjoy traveling with friends or a partner, I love being able to explore the world alone and have my own solo adventures in a new country or city. I would say these days, I probably hit around 5 countries a year as I tend to stay longer in places now because I love pacing myself, which was not something I was good at in the past. 

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Don’t sacrifice your safety to save money

I would say first of all, don’t sacrifice your safety to save money. As a female solo traveler, this is so important to understand. Budget extra money so you can take a taxi late at night to your hostel instead of walking 30 minutes in a strange new country. Pay a bit more for a better location instead of staying by the train station where it’s not as safe. 

  • Research beforehand and book places to sleep in advance

I have learned the hard way so many times that arriving without a booking (back before online reservations) leads to crappy or dirty accommodation in a crappy area or you end up blowing a week of your budget on an expensive hotel because everything is booked already. As a woman traveling solo, I would always have somewhere to stay and not leave it to chance. However, when it comes to sites, I always choose one per day and leave the rest of the day to flexibility depending on what I feel like. Don’t try to pack in too many activities in one day or you won’t enjoy it. 

  • Less is more

DO NOT try to see everything and pack in as many places as you can in a year. You will spend more time traveling, tired, and crabby checking off only major landmarks, etc. You will have a blur of experiences and thousands of photos and not get to enjoy anything because you’re so anxious to get to the next place. It’s not a race. It’s not a competition so ignore people in your hostel who act like they’re better than you because they went to 50 countries last year. Seriously, no one cares except people who are just starting out so calm down and remember that quality over quantity is more important.

Bronwyn Townsend | Travelers Talks

Bronwyn Townsend

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Write a few words about yourself and what you do

I’m Bronwyn, an Aussie living in London who builds a life of travel around my 9-5. By day I work I’m a marketing manager, but also freelance travel photography, writing, and blogging. I focus on sharing destination inspiration, photography tips, and travel guides.

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I moved to London from Australia in January 2016, originally for two years on a working holiday visa. I knew that I needed to make the most of my time here, so I planned several trips throughout the year. As my partner and I both have full-time jobs, we could only use our annual leave allowance and weekends. Coming from somewhere so far from everywhere else, I began taking full advantage of cheap airfares, even if it just means a weekend in another city. On average I travel once per month now, which is mixed between longer trips once during the summer and winter, long weekends, and just a quick Friday-Sunday jaunt. 

I’m often asked ‘how can you travel so often with a full-time job?’, and the answer is actually really simple. In Australia, everything is SO far away, you can’t just hop over to another country for a weekend. However, from London, we can catch a train or plane and be in another city, or country, listening to another language, learning about a new culture, and trying new foods, all in as little as a weekend. It’s about realizing how much is actually possible with the time you have. I enjoy having a full-time job in marketing, but travel is a huge part of me and I knew I needed to build a life that could incorporate both.

How did your traveling start? 

I spent most of my childhood visiting the same holiday park on the south coast of New South Wales, though when I was nine, my family took three months off to road trip around Australia. This is absolutely what started the travel bug. It wasn’t until I was in my early 20’s though that I really started traveling more. I decided on completing a five-week solo trip around Central America and that was a game changer – from then on, I was addicted.

Since then, I’ve actively pursued building a life around travel. Photography and writing came as a natural fit as I studied journalism, and documenting and sharing my experiences online became a way of building a community of like-minded travelers. Over time, I’ve been able to have the opportunity to work with brands and publications to share those experiences with a wider audience, and I’ve never looked back.

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Don’t be afraid to travel solo

You can spend a lifetime waiting for other people, but at what cost? If you want to go somewhere, to experience something, then make it happen. Solo travel is the most liberating thing you can do.

  • Don’t fall for a glamour travel trap from social media

Travel doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive. You can start local, or choose destinations without a hefty price tag. Don’t feel like you need to travel glamorously the way social media makes it appear. 

  • Don’t mind the rest – it’s your travel style

Decide what a life of travel looks like for you. Not how other people expect it, but what you want. Whether it’s one big gap year adventure, weekends in the countryside, or making the most of time away from your 9-5.

Patience from Hear.Me Coaching | Travelers Talks

Patience from Hear.Me Coaching | Instagram | Instagram2

Write a few words about yourself and what you do

My name is Patience Chigodora and when I’m not globetrotting, I am living in my purpose, holding safe healing spaces and empowering people to become the center of their Inner-Verse as a Qualified Spiritual Life Coach, Inner Child Healing Work Specialist, Women’s Healing Circle Facilitator, Mindfulness Guide, and Founder of Hear.Me Coaching and PatienceSoloTravels.

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

Of all my travel adventures, my solo ones are my favorite. I love traveling alone. The freedom and empowerment I experience when traveling alone are unmatched, I love exploring new places, cultures, and people. Everything is on my schedule, budget, and time. It is the ultimate treat for me as it’s a time to explore, enjoy peace and quiet, reset and relax without – considering someone else – the ultimate solitude bliss. It’s the best for me (especially with the work that I do) and I always find a new part of myself when I’m traveling alone.

How did your traveling start? 

I actually started traveling alone when I was 10 years old when I moved from Zimbabwe to the UK as an unaccompanied minor and I think from then on, I caught the bug. Although it was 16yrs before getting on a flight solo, I started off small with solo dates, from going to the cinema, out for dinner, walks, and hobbies – just to really get comfortable and normalize doing activities alone. Then that build up to traveling to cities, this was helped by also living in different places as well because of jobs, etc. But all of this built up to my first solo adventure where I went to Paris for 3 days, so far the list includes Lisbon and Maldives and there’s a long list I’m excited to explore. One of the reasons I love traveling is because it has helped me with confidence, learning about different cultures, and adapting to new environments and people.

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • To get rid of the fear of the unknown visit the place you always wanted to go first

If you’re traveling alone, I know exactly how you feel. It can be nerve-racking and intimidating the first few times and it might never get easy but I promise it’s worth every single minute. First thing, actually go to a place that you really want to go to – this will create true excitement and motivate you to get out of the hotel 🙂

  •  Start small

The longest relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. When traveling alone, this is a quote I live by, always reminding myself to trust myself and not fear what others think. Like everything else in life, it’s okay to start small. Starting out small could be as simple as taking a walk, or going to a different city for the day like shopping or somewhere else fun within the country you live in (or even in your own city). Always remember to tell your loved ones where you are going and staying for safety and never tell people (unless you feel comfortable) especially female or non-binary identifying people that you are traveling alone.

  • Do the first step and enjoy the rest

It all builds up to getting on that plane! When you are alone, people are generally too caught up in their own lives to worry about what others are doing, so don’t worry. Buy yourself a tripod so that you can take more interesting pictures than just selfies and really get those angles right while exploring new places. Bring books and/or your device (phone, laptop, tablet, etc) so that if there is any downtime e.g between activities and meeting people like eating dinner (and can enjoy the company of your fave series of movies). Lastly, try and enjoy it and remember you can always come back home if you don’t like it – again another perk of going by yourself!

Elizabeth Cullen | Travelers Talks

Elizabeth Cullen


Write a few words about yourself and what you do

I absolutely love traveling. I love the buzz in the airports or train stations and the expectation of a new adventure. I have traveled to 36 countries and have lived in 6. I am Irish and we have a long history of emigration. I made a lifestyle change in 2018, left my full-time employment in the US, and moved to Italy. I now plan to travel a lot and work part-time. Photography and sport are two of my hobbies, so I regularly combine them by attending events and taking photos. 

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I travel by all modes of transport, however, when possible I love to travel by train. I like to experience the culture of a place and I am an avid hiker/walker so I like to climb mountains and hike in remote places. I prefer to walk around the cities or towns I visit as think you get a great feel for a place by walking. I usually travel alone and meet up with groups as required for hikes. I also am an avid sports fan so I often travel to see events. 

How did your traveling start? 

I have always been interested in learning about different countries and cultures. We had foreign pen pals when very young children in school and that was a great way to engage and learn. I am Irish and Ireland is a very small country, with a history of emigration. I spent the summers in America and Canada when I was a student on work visas, which was a great experience and confirmed I wanted to live and work abroad. I have worked in England, France, and the US and I now live in Italy. 

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Do detailed research on your destination

Have paperwork/services in place (visa, vaccinations, insurance for activities, etc). Ensure your passport is adequate (sometimes it will need to be valid for 3-6 months, or you need a certain amount of blank pages). You may think some requests are bizarre, but if they are a rule of the country you are visiting you must abide by them. Scan copies of important documents and retain them in an accessible place and also give copies to a trusted friend or family member that you can contact in an emergency. 

  • Consider safety if traveling alone and cultural norms

Ensure your hotel or hostel is in a safe area. Store passport, money, credit cards securely, and don’t bring expensive jewelry to poor countries. Ensure you know and follow dress codes as specified. Download screenshots or print the details of the journey to your first destination. Ensure you have the right method to pay for any transport required to get you to it. 

  • Bring an e-reader

It’s your best friend to help pass time with travel delays. Books are heavy and take up valuable storage space. Also, you can’t always get books in your language when traveling. You also won’t feel or look alone, if eating out alone, when you are reading. Sometimes you can attract unwanted attention if you are sitting people watching, so being engrossed in a book can make you somewhat invisible. Even though we all love to speak to people when traveling, as a female you need to be cautious, not stand-out, look alone, or vulnerable.

Viva from Love Viva Cakes and Crafts | Travelers Talks

Viva from Love Viva Cakes and Crafts

Website | Facebook | Instagram 

Write a few words about yourself and what you do

I’m Viva Andrada O’Flynn, an entrepreneur of Love Viva Cakes and Crafts, World Humanitarian Drive’s Global Media Relations, and Host of “Inspiring Millions Show”. I’m also a writer, artist, and event specialist.

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I travel by air, land, and sea. It depends on the purpose of travel, the destination, and the people I’m with. I choose to travel in an easy, convenient, and fast way to get to where I want to be. Sometimes though it’s also great to take my time (such as on road trips), enjoy the sights and stopovers along the way.

How did your traveling start? 

I’m originally from the Philippines. My parents enjoy traveling. When I was about 5 years old, they brought me to Hong Kong. Since then we’ve been traveling with my sister at least 2 times every year. I’m lucky that I was exposed to the joys of traveling at a young age. There is so much to see and experience in the world. Traveling is education to humanity, a window to cultures, food, and traditions of the world. It’s a way of seeing that despite our differences and geographical distances, we’re all alike and part of one race-the human race. 

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Start traveling from where you are

See the place you live with new eyes. Be a tourist for a day, even if you’re a local. Chances are you haven’t experienced the best of where you’re staying yet. There would always be a lot to explore. Open up to new experiences.

  • Do your research and plan

Where would you like to travel? What would you want to do? How long are you available to travel? What is your budget and how can you save up? What is the weather where you’ll travel (so you can pack accordingly)? Do they have holidays, will it derail your plans? Is it safe to travel there? Would you travel as an individual or as a group? These are some of the questions that come to mind to get you prepared to travel.

  • Have a photo and/or video gear

Learn to take better photos/videos so you can capture the best moments of your travel. Even when your travel is done, you can look back at the memories you’ve made on your phone/video.

Sophia from Sophia World | Travelers Talks

Sophia from Sophia World

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Write a few words about yourself and what you do

I am a part-time Digital Nomad. I work as an IT Training consultant and coach. I am the founder of Sophia World. 

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I fly to countries and spend up to three months at a time exploring and getting familiar with the local culture. This may be by co-living or renting an Airbnb alternatively if I have to build a network, renting from a person who has a place in the area. I do solo traveling and enjoy doing this. This puts me out of my comfort zone and gives me the opportunity to build my network. 

How did your traveling start? 

I have always had a love for travel. It became evident after graduating from University and going on my first holiday as an adult. I got an adrenaline rush from being on the plane and being ready for take-off. I felt as free as a bird, like the Nelly Furtado song. I wanted to do a “gap year” but, at the time, was deterred from doing solo traveling. I tested out living and working in another country, first when I moved to the Netherlands. This was because I wanted a new start and also to try the experience of living and working abroad. Years later, after ending a long-term relationship and going through some downs, I returned to traveling. I first tried staying in the Caribbean for two months and then returned to the UK. This trip taught me about having a plan and a good budget. I have also continued on trips where I spent three months in a place. I did this when I went to the USA for three months in 2019. It was fun as I also spent part of it going on road trips with my friend and making a solo trip where I visited another friend in another part of the country. I have also worked remotely, working on my wellness business and providing training whilst traveling. I did this when I spent time in Tenerife and also in La Gomera. 

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Get ready and do the research

I do my homework before I set off on my travel journey. This includes researching the place, language requirements and entry requirements – post covid. 

  • Set your finances straight and at a reasonable level

Do a budget and add a contingency for unexpected costs. I look at the costs of renting an apartment. Look at prices for buying food and dining out. 

  • Get social but remember to be safe

I also look at social events and meetups. I usually join Facebook communities. It was there that I also found out about the option of co-living. You can also ask questions from other expats. It is also good for safety to tell people where you are going and do check-ins for safety.

Rachel from Roam Where | Travelers Talks

Rachel from Roam Where

Website | Instagram | Twitter

Write a few words about yourself and what you do

Former Product Marketer for a tech company. Current Traveler, Content Creator, and Marketing Consultant

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

My husband and I are traveling ‘full-time’ for the coming year. We gave up our apartment and put our belongings into storage to travel for long journeys. We’ve planned long stints of traveling in certain geographical locations with some breaks at home with family interspersed. First, we’re going to South East Asia for three months. Next, we’re planning two months in Europe in the summer. 

What I love about traveling is the opportunity to learn more about the people and ways of living in different parts of the world. When I’ve traveled in the past, I’ve always craved spending more time in the locations to get to know the culture better. For me, two to three days in a city is too short of a time to really understand the area. Spending a year focused on travel allows us to spend more quality time like a week in a single city or multiple weeks in a country. We saved for the past 5 years with the goal of having enough to support a year of traveling and experience deeper, more meaningful travel.

How did your traveling start? 

I’m grateful for the traveling opportunities my parents provided me when I was young because that is what helped me get my travel start. I grew up in the US with relatives in different states, so at an early age, I flew to see family. My parents loved the adventure of exploring outside of the country with their main focus being south of the US into the Caribbean and Mexico. Their interest and excitement for exploring inspired me, so from an early age I had the ‘travel bug’. Traveling for work and to see family, my parents often brought me along which helped me feel comfortable in the motion of traveling. Between a high school trip to Europe and studying abroad in France for a semester, I started to learn the steps necessary to travel to faraway places. I eventually found myself following those in the travel community and seeing how they made the jump to a year or even a life of full-time travel. I research itineraries, budgets, and packing to start planning for a year of travel. That research helped me set savings goals to make it happen. For me, it’s all about having a goal, doing some research, and then creating a plan to make it happen. 

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Use social media to feed the first travel brainstorm

We’re at an all-time high of travel information easily available and accessible through Instagram, Tik Tok, and even just Google Searches, so use those to brainstorm the places you want to go and pick your top three. 

  • Use guided tours and travel guides to its fullest

Use those same sources to research things to find guided trips or ask questions like “3-day itinerary for x” “what to do in x” or “how to get to x”.

  • Save enough and start traveling!

That research will give you the information you need to set a budget, come up with dates and timelines, and start a savings plan.

Marge | Travelers Talks


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Write a few words about yourself and what you do

Hello! I’m Marge. I am a 40-year-old divorced woman. I have a 7-year-old daughter and I backpack alone while my daughter is with her dad.

How do you travel and why like this? Is there any specific reason why you chose this type of traveling?

I have always liked to travel but when I got divorced 4 years ago, I decided that I would not stop doing it. So, being single, I started traveling alone with a backpack. I do not consider myself a tourist, I consider myself a traveler and I like to visit places and move constantly sharing with the locals.

How did your traveling start? 

I started traveling alone within Colombia. I am a migrant in this country and I decided to travel to get to know it better. So far I have known more than 20 towns or cities. Very soon I will be doing my first solo backpacking trip outside of Colombia and I will create a blog in Spanish, to tell women with similar stories to mine about my trips.

Based on your experience, share 3 most important pieces of advice on how to start traveling 

  • Work on fears and leave them behind
  • Travel without expectations – every place is special and has fascinating things to discover
  • Get out of the tourist areas and share with the locals – it’s a way to make new friends and learn about the conditions of the place
Travelers Talks episode 4. How to become a traveler?

Our advice on how to become a traveler 

Hello again, glad you’re still reading! We know, we know… so much information to be absorbed already so we’ll try to keep our answer short and sweet. If you want to learn more about how we travel, and our traveling journey please take a look at the “Retrospective On The First Year Of Living As Digital Slowmads” and “What Is Slow Travel? – 101 For Beginners” posts. 

Our advice for you on how to become a traveler:

  • Get out of your comfort zone

Whether you like it or not, it will be inevitable at many points of your adventure and especially at the start. Remember to do that at your own pace – if you’re not yet ready to take a foreign trip start locally. Visit a region that is totally different from the one you live in your home country. In time you’ll find yourself pushing further and further, and you’ll be surprised how much you’ve grown since your first step. 

  • Minimize your biggest traveling fears by getting prepared to overcome them

Think about what you’re afraid of. Is it flying? Maybe a long road trip in a new car? Getting out of your comfort zone? Language barrier? Getting injured? Whatever it is you need to work on it, alone, with someone you trust, or with a specialist. Don’t let your fears stop you from discovering the world. 

  • Take things slow

Don’t plan too many things for your first trip. Take it slow and plan just enough for you to be able to handle it. Then if you’ll like it you’ll be able to adjust and plan bigger and longer trips based on your own experience. This will allow you to find your own style, and discover things that no one else will be able to advise you.

How to become a traveler? – Summary 

Hope you found the above advice and stories very helpful and encouraging to take a first step. As you can see, all travelers were where you are now. Each of us had to take the first step, and often overcome some fears and worries. We know you can do it too! Now it’s your turn to start your own travel journey and see the wonders of the world with your own eyes. Maybe then you’ll have other advice to share in the comments below? We hope so. Happy traveling!

How To Become A Traveler? Travelers Talks episode 4

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