Travelers Talks: How To Decide Where To Go For The Next Trip?

We all travel differently and each person has different motivations to see various places around the world. Decisions on where to go for the next trip are based on different factors, and there can be as many of them as there are people! Following a long bucket list, looking for the sun in the winter, choosing by flight prices and just doing a travel roulette on Skyscanner, or being inspired by movies, books, blogs, or beautiful social media content…Those are just a few of many examples! 

In this Travelers Talks episode, you’ll read stories from our fellow travelers about how they decide where to go for the next trip, what motivates them, and what requirements the place needs to meet for them to make a final decision going there. At the end of the post, you’ll also find our take on that topic. Without further ado, let’s dive in!

How To Decide Where To Go For The Next Trip - Travelers Talks episode 9
Happy Little Traveler Authors

Created by Sonia & Wojtek

One day, we packed our lives and slowly rushed into the unknown with smiles on our faces. We’re full-time digital nomads traveling in Europe who inspire to live, travel, and discover differently. Sunny coastal destinations are what we love most. We share travel guides, tips, and know-how to make planning your next trip a piece of cake. Real human experience and verified facts only!

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Travelers Talks: How To Decide Where To Go For The Next Trip?

Some time ago on Twitter and Facebook, we asked our fellow travelers for advice, and here it’s what we got in return. 

Laura from A Dynamic Life

Laura from A Dynamic Life 

Website | Coaching | Instagram 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I am Laura. Originally from Charleston, South Carolina, USA, I have been traveling full-time for the greater part of 6 years. I set out to backpack solo for one year and later found a travel partner and overland through Africa together. Now home is somewhere between Upper Austria, South Africa, and wherever there is sunshine, great hiking, and beautiful waters. We travel SLOWLY. Our next adventure is South America where we plan to be for the next few years. 

A Dynamic Life is both my business and my blog. I am a Travel and Life Coach. I help people who are eager to travel but feel overwhelmed or apprehensive and who seek support. I work with solo travelers, couples, and families encouraging each person to feel fulfilled and get the most out of their adventures. My blog has been a learning experience and started as a passion project while stuck in Botswana for 8 months in 2020, where I share mental and emotional health tips while traveling, as well as stories, recipes, and photography. 

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

I love meeting people and travelers love sharing their experiences. Opening conversations with others has taken me to places such as Jordan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and an impromptu Vipassana in India. I try to stay open-minded and adaptable and make their recommendations suitable for me. 

Food. I was a chef prior to traveling, so I am driven by my taste buds. Cookbooks, magazines, TV, food blogs, and other chefs inspire me to taste new cuisines. Certain countries known for their gastronomy are a major draw like Vietnam or Italy. However, this doesn’t mean all the food is fantastic. While in conversation with locals, I’ll ask about their favorite foods and where to try them.

Books and films. The power of words can transport you to incredible places. A talented author can paint a fascinating or endearing picture of a place. Alexander McCall-Smith described Botswana and the people so vividly, I was transported. When the book was later adapted into a mini-series by HBO with Jill Scott, I knew I had to go.

The MS Bing wallpaper. I open my laptop and I’m hit with a beautiful landscape or an interesting skyline, my first instinct is to guess where it is and the second is to “like it” and look it up later. 

A good paper map. Traveling slowly has its benefits especially when it comes to the flexibility of time. It is fairly common for me to seek out a large tree, a cave, or a sinkhole that takes some work, skill, and/or complicated logistics to get to. I take pleasure in seeking out obscure and challenging places. A good paper map partnered with a GPS can open the world.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

I have very few requirements when selecting a place. I am eager to see so many, I’ll take the opportunities as they come. Sometimes it has to do with the seasons and chasing summer. Sometimes it is chasing the off-season for lower prices and availability. Often it comes down to distance, time, and affordability. For example, it is easy to justify going to Cambodia if you are in neighbouring Thailand. It is cheap, quick, and simple. Wherever I am in the world, sometimes it comes to “well it’s nearby and I don’t know when I’ll be back. “

Nature. If I am in a city, I seek out green spaces and parks. I will find the Nature reserves, National Parks, beaches, and mountains that surround the area. I look for good hiking trails nearby and big rock walls to entertain my husband. 

For accommodation, I want immediate access to nature – out the door and up a mountain or into water. If we are not camping then we are working remotely. Quick Wi-Fi, a table and chairs to work from, and a kitchen are our basic requirements.

Phoenyx from Phoenyx Rises

Phoenyx from Phoenyx Rises

Website | Instagram | Pinterest

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I’m Phoenyx, a survivor of a near-death accident who found solace and transformation through regenerative travel. Now, I dedicate myself to helping fellow travelers discover their own path to healing and personal growth through Phoenyx Rises. Through my experiences and guidance, we can embark on transformative journeys that awaken our souls and create lasting positive change.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

Magical Destinations. When it comes to choosing a travel destination, I’m not one to settle for the ordinary. No, my fellow wanderers, I find my inspiration in the whimsical realms of magical background and lore. When life can get monotonous and mundane, seeking out magic and wonder can be the perfect antidote to break the chains of routine and ignite our spirits. 

It’s like stumbling upon a hidden door in the midst of a grey, dreary cityscape—suddenly, the world transforms into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and infinite possibilities. In those moments of enchantment, time loses its grip, and we become explorers of realms unknown. Whether it’s wandering through ancient forests where trees whisper secrets, witnessing the shimmering lights of the Northern Lights, or pondering the mysterious Callanish standing stones, these experiences awaken our senses and rejuvenate our souls. 

They remind us that the world is still filled with mysteries waiting to be unraveled and that we are part of something greater than ourselves. Magic reminds us that there’s more to life than spreadsheets and deadlines, allowing us to embrace our inner child and believe in the extraordinary. So, grab your spell books and prepare for a journey that will leave you questioning reality itself.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

Requirements for Finding a Magical Destination. Immerse Yourself in Lore: Search for a destination with a rich and captivating magical background or lore. Seek places with legends, myths, and tales that spark your imagination and ignite a sense of wonder.

Enchanting Atmosphere: Choose a place that exudes an enchanting atmosphere. Whether it’s ancient castles, mystical forests, or whimsical towns, the ambiance should transport you to a different world, making you feel like you’ve stepped into a magical realm.

Unique Experiences: Seek out destinations that offer unique and extraordinary experiences. Whether it’s participating in magical rituals, encountering mythical creatures, or learning ancient spells, the activities should immerse you in the magical fabric of the place.

Hidden Gems: Look beyond the obvious and discover hidden magical gems. Seek out lesser-known locations or off-the-beaten-path spots that hold untold wonders and secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Sense of Belief: Choose a destination that sparks a sense of belief and fuels your imagination. Whether you’re a skeptic or a true believer, finding a place that encourages you to suspend disbelief and embrace the magic is essential for a truly immersive experience.

Adriana from Wanderlicious

Adriana from Wanderlicious 

Website | Instagram | TikTok 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I’m a full-time travel and photography blogger and in November last year, I quit my job and decided to travel the world full-time with my partner. We’re in our 30s and living our best life! I love photographing the places that I travel to and sharing them online with people, and seeing people actually travel to those destinations! I recently wrote about how you can do the Maldives on a budget, and whilst I shouldn’t be surprised, my reels and blogs went viral. As it turns out, many people messaged me to say that they’ve been to the Maldives as a result of the blogs/videos and it’s just a lovely, heartwarming feeling – inspiring others to travel is the best.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

As a travel and photography blogger, I am always inspired by pictures and videos first! I usually come across an incredible and unique place on Instagram and TikTok, that is usually the starting point. But I’m not always interested in the ‘hot spot’ – every man and his dog has been to Santorini (at least, that’s what it looks like online), and I’ve seen how crowded it looks on social media during the summer holidays. I love discovering new places.

Another thing I do is travel roulette! I type in the dates I want to fly onto Skyscanner and search ‘anywhere!’ and I pick one of the cheapest destinations. The last time I did this, I traveled to the Maldives (I happened to be in Abu Dhabi for a job). I wanted to see if I could do the Maldives on a budget – it’s such an incredible destination but often only marketed for honeymooners. Well, I certainly found out the answer: you can definitely do the Maldives on a budget! I also booked a flight from London to Jordan for £16, which was the best bargain flight I’ve ever booked.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

Well. First thing first: Safety. As a woman traveling, this is always my priority and I will only visit destinations that are safe to travel to. I read numerous resources, firstly the governmental advice for travel, followed by travelers’ blogs, Facebook groups, or Instagram posts.

Secondly, it’s got to have some sort of unique charm; maybe I’m looking to experience the bizarre unique salt pools in the Egyptian Desert (they’re incredible!), the best bamboo jungle houses in Bali, or the ‘Capital of Christmas’ in Europe. I can confirm I’ve done it all and they’ve all been great!

Lastly, I’ve got to consider the price. There’s a reason why I haven’t been to French Polynesia. How expensive are flights/train travel, how much does the accommodation going to amount to? Expensive destinations are not always a deal breaker – you can often travel to expensive places on a shoestring budget, but it might impact the amount of time I can spend in a place! Switzerland and Iceland are notoriously expensive places to visit, but I managed to do it. You might have to skip eating out all the time or buying coffee, but it’s worth it for the incredible views and experiences available in the country.

Linda from Muy Linda Travels

Linda from Muy Linda Travels

Facebook | Pinterest

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

Linda is a travel blogger and music teacher from Australia. She loves to travel solo and over the years she’s visited around 50 countries on 5 different continents. Linda is happiest when she’s exploring new places, visiting temples, climbing mountains, and writing about her adventures. Her recent trips include volunteer teaching in an orphanage in Uganda, swimming with sea turtles on the stunning islands of the Great Barrier Reef and a jaunt to Java and Bali climbing volcanoes, visiting ancient sacred places, and zipping around on the back of a motorbike. 

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

Finding the inspiration to travel to new places is easy for me and I have a list of beautiful places I want to see. I love visiting UNESCO World Heritage sites, and I also love to escape to beautiful and sacred places. The inspiration for my last trip was the ancient and majestic Borobudur Temple on the island of Java in Indonesia. While I was in Java, I also discovered the incredible Mount Bromo and I actually stood on the lip of an active volcano. 

Sometimes I’ll see a photo or read an article about somewhere special, and it goes on the list of things to do. I have several trips already planned and I’m just waiting for the right time to go. I look out for special deals on flights and often book ahead. I also love to travel solo and this gives me the freedom to take off and go where I please. But my job as a teacher limits me to the school holidays and it’s usually not the cheapest time to travel so finding a good deal on flights helps me decide where I’m going next. 

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

I look for amazing places, UNESCO World Heritage-listed sites, and cultures that are interesting, exceptional, or different from my own. I love stunning scenery and I’m drawn by dramatic and beautiful places. I also love wildlife and enjoy exploring places that offer incredible wildlife experiences.

I have a travel budget and I look out for good value when I’m away. I also consider the season and if it’s a good time of year to visit a place for a certain activity. For example, I wanted to see orangutans when I was in Indonesia, but I was there in January, and it was too wet for trekking in the jungle. So I found other activities like chasing waterfalls in Bali that were amazing in the wet season and I’ll go back in the dry season to see the orangutans.

I plan ahead and book my flights and accommodation in advance. This means I usually get better prices and better hotels. I look for flexibility when I’m booking so a good cancellation policy is important in case things change.

I sometimes compromise on accommodation costs so I can spend more on tours and activities. Splurging on a hot air balloon ride over the ancient temples in Bagan in Myanmar and a scenic flight over the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns Australia were worth the extra money. They were both travel experiences I won’t forget. Just remembering them brings me so much pleasure. 

Catherine from Nomadicted

Catherine Xu from Nomadicted

Website | Facebook | Instagram 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

Three months into college, Catherine Xu realized it was not all Hollywood said it would be, so at 19, took a gap year to travel the world. Not even knowing what hiking shoes were, she set out with my too much luggage in hand 7 years ago now. Ever since, she has lived in the name of adventure, visiting over 65 countries and vanlifed the USA. She now hopes to spread the age-old gospel of how amazing traveling is through her adventure travel blog, Nomadicated.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

I get my biggest travel inspiration sitting in community rooms in hostels or over Couchsurfing meet-ups. Personal stories from like-minded travelers ignite my imagination through their crazy adventures and pull my heart towards a place. 

To gather all the strange ideas and stories in one place, I created a very extensive bucket list with hundreds of special events, skills to learn, and specific travel destinations to visit. A few of them include volunteering at an archaeological dig, seeing the Catalonia Human Tower Competition, to stranger desires like working on a fisherman’s boat for a week or being in a food fight.

As a slow traveler, I tend to immerse myself in a region rather than one specific country. Some of my bucket list items are long-term trips like hitchhiking expeditions through Central Asia or a motorcycle adventure through northern Vietnam.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

When planning my travels, avoiding the wet season is top of mind as a requirement. As an outdoor enthusiast who doesn’t love rain, many destinations are best visited during certain times of the year. For example, summer in Southeast Asia is generally monsoon season, and winter in Europe means freezing temperatures and short days.

After that initial elimination, I plan my destination based on the destination’s calendar of cultural festivals and events. Whether it’s Loi Krathong in Thailand or Holi in Nepal, participating in local traditions and celebrations excites the adventurer and the photographer in me. Aside from being able to dance with locals, I think festivals are a fantastic way to experience unique local customs that may seem peculiar to those who haven’t witnessed them before.

As a budget-conscious traveler, the cost of living changes the itinerary of the trip. Finances do not hold me back from experiences, but it does change the length of time I choose to stay and the points of interest I hit. I spend much more time slow-traveling through cheaper countries and going to much more remote corners.

Angie from We're Not In Kansas Anymore

Angie from We’re Not In Kansas Anymore 

Website | Facebook | YouTube 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I’m a blogger and full-time travel wannabe. My travel passions include castles, villages, hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path travel, things that are old, and ancient, have a patina of age, delicious food, and budget-friendly travel. Most of my travels are in and around Europe and the United States and I prefer the road less traveled but when inspiration strikes, nowhere is off limits!

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

The biggest thing that inspires me to travel is Rick Steves’s European Travel Guides. They are an escape from reality, an escape to amazing places around the world and I think I own most of them! Between the pages of these guides is a virtual trip to your favorite European travel destination! When I open up one of these travel guides to get to explore a new place without having to ever leave home, and then dream about finding myself there in the flesh! 

I’m never happier than I am with a European travel guide, a highlighter, and Wi-Fi, because you’ll need to Google photos! With Rick’s guides, you can plan your own epic trips, tailored to you! Rick covers absolutely everything! So if you’re struggling to get inspired or don’t know where to start, pick up one of these books and start traveling from the moment you open the cover! 

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

That’s a tough one but the most important requirement a place needs for me to pick it is that it has to make me feel, inspire me, draw me in! For example, I’ve been dreaming of the Christmas markets in Europe for years. I haven’t been since I was a kid and what I remember most about them are the smells! gingerbread, spiced nuts, and spiced wine! I had a trip planned a few years ago that I had to cancel and those markets just kept calling to me! 

If all goes well I’ll be exploring the Christmas Markets this year! 

Two more examples: I had to cancel an overnight trip to Mont St. Michel in France. It calls to me! I wanted to see a performance at the Salzburg Marionette Theater but they were on a break when I visited. I feel the need to go back to Salzburg! Those will probably be two of my next travel destinations. 

Candice from Mom in Italy

Candice from Mom in Italy

Website | Facebook | Facebook 2 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

Ciao! I’m Candice and I live just outside of Florence with my husband and three young boys. I’ve loved exploring the world as a traveler, a cycling and hiking guide, but now I spend most of my vacation time in Italy with my little guys in tow! When we’re not splashing at the beach in Puglia, hiking in the Dolomites, or checking out castles in Tuscany, you can find me working on my websites that help families and first-time travelers to Italy.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

While I have a running list of places I’d like to visit (Vietnam! Norway!) and places I’d love to return to (Japan! Uzbekistan!), I find that the ‘enjoyment factor’ for our vacations tends to be closely aligned with how much my kids enjoy the trip.

So, for most of our vacations, I ask my kids where they want to go or what they’d like to see and do. I find that when they’re a part of the decision-making process, they’re much more involved in the trip. And as their mom, I adore seeing them involved in the destination, laughing with each other, and soaking up the local culture.

They may not always choose the actual destination, but their wishes could be part of the itinerary. For example, my kids requested mini-golf and a lake… so I’m writing this from our trip in the mountains in a town that has both of those things.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

When I choose a destination for our next trip, it must have something that excites each member of the family – kids and adults. So, while I want to make sure my kids are interested in the trip, I want the adults to be excited too! For example, my husband is a cycling fiend, so when possible, we make sure he can get a ride or two in at the destination.

The ’something that excites’ each family member about the destination doesn’t have to be epic (but it can be). It could be something small, like the possibility of having gelato every night, or bigger, like a private full-day tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum.

I also make sure the destination chosen suits everyone in the family. For example, we have a 2-year-old who naps, so I need to find a way for him to rest mid-day. If that’s not possible (or a pain to do), I may make a trip with just one or both of my older kids. That’s what I did on a recent trip to Sicily when I knew we’d be out exploring all day long.

Adri from Travel Tip Zone

Adri from Travel Tip Zone

Website | Instagram | Pinterest 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I am Adri, a travel blogger, creator of, and owner of a few other websites. I have a longstanding passion for travel and photography, and my husband and I spend almost all our free time traveling. Our favorites are Mediterranean countries and Arab culture. We visit about 15-16 countries a year, so we have a well-tested method for planning our trips.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

Actually, I have destinations I want to travel to for years in advance. Because of Covid, this list just got longer, as we couldn’t travel to many of the places we wanted to in previous years. We draw inspiration from everywhere for new destinations. We see a good photo somewhere, we browse an online travel brochure, but undoubtedly most of all on social media. Instagram, Facebook groups, and even Tiktok are full of amazing places. Basically, all I need is a few nice pictures and some information and I start planning a trip to the destination.

For example, a few months ago I found a good photo from Kotor, Montenegro. I googled the place and then I got more and more curious. Then I saw on Google Maps that if we went to Kotor, Dubrovnik in Croatia would be on the way, so let’s check that out too. I also noticed that the Albanian border is close to Kotor, so after a few days of searching on Google Maps, I figured we’d spend a few days in Albania too. In the end, I put together a complete small Balkan tour in a few days. That will be our next trip.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

The places we choose have to meet a number of criteria, as we also have to pay attention to special needs and we are quite choosy. One of the general requirements is good infrastructure. We like to travel by car, so the quality of roads, parking options…etc. are all important. In addition, I need a special diet, which is also a deciding factor: where I can’t eat well, I prefer not to travel.

Good public safety is also a priority, but we cannot always travel to safe places, even within Europe. In any case, it’s an advantage to have a safe place and not have to worry about thieves all the time.

The budget is important too, which means that in the current economic situation when travel costs have risen a lot, we are currently choosing cheaper destinations. These include Central and Eastern Europe, which offer many less popular but still beautiful destinations.

These may seem like a lot, but there are plenty of destinations that meet these criteria, we just need to take the time to find them.

Erin from Pina Travels

Erin from Pina Travels

Website | Instagram | TikTok 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I’ve been traveling solo and with my partner for over a decade! I write the travel blog Pina Travels and host a responsible travel podcast. Both are focused on practical travel advice and guides, with responsible and sustainable tourism tips weaved in. 

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

It’s usually a mixture of factors, but especially lately, we base it on flight prices. My partner and I always have a list of places that we are particularly interested in going to. Every year, we set up Google Flight alerts to track the prices of flights to places we want to go. If we see a good price drop, we go for it! But, we also keep an eye on last-minute deals. We’re always open to opportunities that come up thanks to flight deals out of our local airport, Toronto Pearson International (YYZ).

There are a few newsletters that track flight deals out of YYZ, and by watching those, we’ve snagged some awesome flight deals to places we didn’t plan to go, but are happy to visit! For example, in 2019, we hadn’t ever considered traveling to Jordan. When an unbelievably good flight deal hit our inbox to fly there and back for $400, we decided to do it. It ended up being one of our best trips to date. Both my partner and I love to travel, and we’re open to traveling anywhere in the world, so this method works well for us.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

We have very few requirements! To date, we’ve traveled to countries across 6 different continents, and we’ve loved every single one of them. We are extremely open to traveling anywhere, and so when we’re deciding where to go, it’s based more on affordability. We travel often, and one of the ways we’re able to manage that is by being smart with how we spend our travel budget. Therefore, you’re unlikely to catch us in more expensive places like the Maldives or Norway. We know our travel budget will go further in places that aren’t notoriously pricey. 

The only other requirement that occasionally comes up for us is the weather. We live in Toronto, where winter can be very cold and drab. Given this, we do prefer to travel to warm places if we’re traveling during Canada’s winter months. We aren’t necessarily looking for beaches (for example, one winter we escaped to Guatemala to do hiking). We just prefer to go to places where we can walk around without a parka on – Sometimes you just need a break from the cold.

Wendy from Life’s Incredible Journey

Wendy from Life’s Incredible Journey

Website | Instagram | Twitter 

Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

I am a highly regarded travel journalist, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I am formerly from a major daily newspaper, Vancouver Sun. The Province and Post Media Network. I am an editor & writer for, a travel site that encourages the exploration of destinations near & far. I create quality, well-researched articles with stunning photography and video across all social channels. I provide travel guides with tips on how to navigate destinations to make the most of a visit. I am a Travel Media Association of Canada Director, Chair, the National PD Committee, and Chair of TMAC’s BC & Yukon Chapter, as well as a member of the Society of American Travel Writers and the North American Travel Journalist Association.

I have traveled more than 584,000 km by land, sea, and air to 37 countries, 34 US states, seven Canadian provinces, and one territory; visiting 58 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and over 140 national, state, and provincial parks in the USA and Canada. I have taken thousands of photographs and videos.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

Every destination offers something magical to be discovered. I seek out authentic experiences showcasing the story of the people, culture, and history that make each area unique. The foods and traditions are inspired by the location and richness of the geological beauty of the surrounding lands.

Visiting historic locations provides a rich insight into the people and the culture. These areas provide a deeper understanding of how the people in the region developed and why things are the way they are today.

I strongly believe that each distinct area holds nuggets of information as to why the characteristics evolved into the way they are today. It is this deep knowledge that unfolds the key to unlocking the way of exploring the area by peeling back the layers of complete discovery. By seeking the time to unravel the hidden treasures of the land, it is only then we can fully appreciate the people and their traditions.

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

I look for unusual characteristics of an area and the beauty of the nature surrounding the destination to allow for some outdoor exploration. I also look for rich cultural authentic experiences to learn about the people.

For example, I am currently visiting Norway and I am traveling to a little destination, Leka. People have lived here for more than 10,000 years. Leka is known for its rich diversity of legends, and spectacular nature and is part of the UNESCO Global Geopark. It boasts incredible rock formations, forests, and mountains. There are cave paintings in Sagaøya island and the largest ship mound found in Norway from the Viking Age. The landscape on some parts of the island makes it a Norwegian Geological National Monument with the red and yellow serpentine mountains and the crash site of a French pirate ship.

Again it shows the importance of looking deeper into the richness and diversity of each area. Truly magical.

Mary from Two Week Traveller

Mary from Two Week Traveller


Write a few words about yourself – who you are, and what you do.

My name is Mary and I’m a backpacker turned entrepreneur. I travel a few times a year while I also run my small digital publishing company.

How do you get inspired/triggered to travel to some place?

I get inspired by activities I’ve never done before. For example, this year I went to Nepal to do the Everest Base Camp Trek. My next goal is to do a multi-day/week cruise either in South Europe or North America. I started as a backpacker and during that time, I just go where the wind takes me, I follow the people I meet in hostels. While that was so much fun, I feel like I was not able to enjoy the country as much since I’m picking destinations based on social networks and opportunities. 

My biggest goal is a cruise to Antarctica, but before that, I know I want to trek Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Kinabalu, see Proboscis monkeys in Borneo, walk through the ancient ruins of Greece, Italy, and Turkey, do a wild safari in Serengeti, and dive in the Great Barrier Reef. I know this list will keep growing, and I’m nothing but excited!

What are the requirements the place needs to meet for you to pick it?

There are a few things I have to keep in mind. One, I make sure that there’s an activity that draws me. I’m in the stage of my travel life where laying on the beach or doing a pub crawl was not something I’m craving for. I want an activity that will keep my body moving, my mind learning, and my eyes looking at something out of this world. 

Second, the timing. I need to make sure that I visit a specific place when the activity I want to do will be perfect. Luckily, I work online and time is flexible for me. If I already missed the season, I don’t mind waiting for next year to do it. After all, my list is long.

Third, budget. While I’m flexible with my budget, I’m still a frugal backpacker at heart. This is the reason I haven’t been back to Scandinavia or Switzerland in a while. If the destination or the activity I want to do is out of my budget, then that has to wait. 

Happy Little Traveler Authors

How do we decide where to go for the next trip?

We’re happy that you’re still reading! We know, we know, you’ve already read a lot so we promise to keep our answer short and sweet. 

In case you don’t know – we are full-time digital nomads and slow travelers since August 2021, and currently we’re on what seems like a neverending trip. So how do we decide on our next destinations? We have a list of countries and regions we want to see. If we love a country, we go back and get to know it even more and look for new regions to explore. Sometimes we draw inspiration from books or movies (for example, we traveled across the UK following Harry Potter’s footsteps). We also try to choose places that aren’t too touristy, not widely known, and unique.

Our requirements? For winter we’re looking for sunny and warm places and for summer for not too hot ones (40+°C in Spain would definitely be too much!). We’re also looking for mid-size towns to stay in, as we are not fans of big cities as well as small villages at the end of the world. Safety, not too high prices, and closeness to nature play a very important role for us too. 

How To Decide Where To Go For The Next Trip? – Summing up

You made it to the end, congrats! So many ways and motivations for deciding where to go on the next trip. Truly fascinating, isn’t it? Be sure to tell us in the comments what motivates you, and what makes you want to visit a place. We are very curious and want to hear about more interesting factors. Happy traveling!

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Travelers Talks: How To Decide Where To Go For The Next Trip?

Home » Travelers Talks: How To Decide Where To Go For The Next Trip?

Your Travel Resources Handy In One Place 🗺️

🏨 Accommodations

For a short stay check out Booking or Agoda. Staying longer? Take a look at the offers at Airbnb.

🎫 Book tours

Are you up for taking part in epic guided tours? Book ones you like using GetYourGuide or Viator.

🚗 Rent a car

To find great rental car deals check out Rental Cars and get ready for your car trip!

✈️ Book a flight

For the hottest deals check out WayAway or Skyscanner.

🚆 Get train tickets

Love traveling by train in Europe? Book your tickets on Trainline.

🧳 Travel insurance

Enjoy peace of mind during traveling and don't leave your country without good travel insurance. SafetyWing or World Nomads are the best in class. 

🛡️ VPN

To stay safely connected while traveling, don’t forget about a good VPN. We recommend Surfshark or NordVPN.

🌐 Mobile internet

To stay online always and have roaming bills in check use Airalo - the world’s first eSIM store with digital data packs for over 200 countries/regions!

💰Travel finances

Get your travel finances smart and straight with Wise or Revolut.

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